Welcome to our journey

This is a record of our road trip adventure as we take our first forage into the states with the truck camper and novice camper Daisy Doodle. The plan is to leave tomorrow, the 26th, and spend the first night with good friends inPort Stanley then accross the border at Detroit the next day. From there to the south! Far enough Rob says to remove the long underwear and put on the sandals! After we get a couple of days of relaxation it will be making our leasurely way to California
and up the west coast to Vancouver Island for the middle of May for the anticipated birth of a new granddaughter!

Sunday 27 March 2011

into the states

Here we are all tucked in at a KOA campground outside of Wapaloneta Ohio. The robins are singing, the grass is green and there's no snow.
Had the best visit last night with Deb & Laverne, who have the cutest cottage in Port Stanley. Needless to say it wasn't early to bed! So we dragged our feet leaving them this morning  but had the added bonus of having Joc, Ian, Keiren and Luke drop by for a short visit.
It's been great weather so far, sunshine all the way.... but Rob still hasn't parted company with the longjohns!


  1. Yay! We're so excited that you have begun your adventure! Looking forward to reading all about it and checking out your pics...and of course, looking forward to seeing you both when you arrrive on the coast!
    Amie, Michael, Sofia and #2

  2. I am a very BAD Sister I just realized I didn't even call Rob to wish him a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
    xoxox to both of you
