Welcome to our journey

This is a record of our road trip adventure as we take our first forage into the states with the truck camper and novice camper Daisy Doodle. The plan is to leave tomorrow, the 26th, and spend the first night with good friends inPort Stanley then accross the border at Detroit the next day. From there to the south! Far enough Rob says to remove the long underwear and put on the sandals! After we get a couple of days of relaxation it will be making our leasurely way to California
and up the west coast to Vancouver Island for the middle of May for the anticipated birth of a new granddaughter!

Saturday 30 April 2011

April 29th

Highway 1 is everything they promised. Windy, twisty, scenic up and down. I think of you, Nancy, and Cheryl! Wow! They can sure make hairpin corners down here! But the scenery.... bluffs overlooking the Pacific with small villages. Still can't figure out where the people are  or where they shop.
Did stop in a couple of spots to get some shots of the ocean and even saw a mother seal with 2 pups.
Then we turned inland to Highway 101. Still windy but huge redwoods. We even saw for ourselves the tree that you can drive through!! Our truck wouldn't fit but we saw cars that went through. It doesn't look that big until you see it for yourself!
Stayed in a campsite along the Eel River. Nice sites but the bathrooms were a little sketchy!

1 comment:

  1. Must be something about the name highway 1 because that is the name of the highway that Cheryl and I took through the mountains in Canada. The trees sound gorgeous. Sound alot bigger than the trees at Golden or the ones on the island.
    Dad is fishing today at Skelton he was there yesterday and caught 2 so now has gone back to get more.
    any fresh fish for you guys?
